jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013


El Ángel de la Independencia ("El Ángel de la Independencia"), más comúnmente conocido por el nombre abreviado de El Ángel y oficialmente conocida como Monumento a la Independencia, es una columna de la victoria se encuentra en una rotonda sobre Paseo de la Reformain centro de Ciudad de México.
El Ángel fue construido para conmemorar el centenario del inicio de la Guerra de la Independencia de México, que se celebra en 1810. En años posteriores se convirtió en un mausoleo de los héroes más importantes de la guerra. Es uno de los monumentos más reconocidos de la ciudad de México, y se ha convertido en un punto focal para ambos celebración o protesta. Se tiene un parecido a la columna de julio en París y la Columna de la Victoria en Berlín.


La base de la columna es cuadrangular con con cada vértice de una escultura de bronce que simboliza la Ley, Guerra, Justicia y Paz. Originalmente había nueve pasos que conducen a la base, pero debido al hundimiento del suelo catorce pasos más fueron añadidos. En la cara principal de la base, que se enfrenta el centro de la ciudad de México, hay una inscripción que lee La Nación a los Héroes de la Independencia ("La Nación a los Héroes de la Independencia"). Delante de esta inscripción es una estatua de bronce de un león gigante conducido por un niño, que representa la fuerza y ​​la inocencia de la juventud durante la guerra, pero la docilidad en la Paz.
Al lado de la columna hay un grupo de estatuas de mármol de algunos de los héroes de la Guerra de la propia columna Independence.The es de 36 metros (118 pies) de alto. La estructura es de acero cubierta con piedra de cantera decorada con guirnaldas, palmas de las manos y los anillos con los nombres de personajes de la Independencia. Dentro de la columna es una escalera de doscientos paso que conduce a un punto de vista por encima de la capital. La capital de estilo corintio está adornado por cuatro águilas con las alas extendidas del escudo de armas mexicano utilizados en el momento.
Coronando la columna hay un 6,7 metros (22 pies) de la estatua de Enrique Alciati de Nike, TheGreek diosa de la victoria, al igual que otras columnas victoria similares en todo el mundo. Está hecho de bronce, cubierta de oro 24k (restaurado en 2006) y pesa 7 toneladas. En su mano derecha el Ángel, como se le conoce comúnmente, tiene una corona de laurel sobre la cabeza de Miguel Hidalgo, que simboliza la victoria, mientras que en la izquierda sostiene una cadena rota, símbolo de la libertad.


Construcción de El Ángel fue ordenado en 1902 por el presidente Porfirio Díaz. El general Porfirio Díaz comenzó el trabajo de la fundación de inmediato y puso la primera piedra el 2 de enero 1902 y colocado en un cofre de oro con un registro de la independencia y de una serie de monedas acuñadas en la época. Pero en mayo de 1906, cuando los cimientos fueron construidos y 2.400 piedras colocadas a una altura de 25 m, los lados del monumento se derrumbaron, por lo que Díaz creó una comisión de estudio integrada por engineersGuillermo Beltrán y Puga, Manuel Marroquín y Rivera y Gonzalo Garita. La comisión determinó que las bases de monumento fueron mal planificadas, por lo que se decidió demoler la estructura. El trabajo se reinició bajo la supervisión de un comité directivo integrado por ingenieros Guillermo Beltrán y Puga, Manuel Marroquín y Rivera y el arquitecto Manuel Gorozpe, dejando la obra en el cuidado del arquitecto Antonio Rivas Mercado. Todas las esculturas fueron realizadas por el artista italiano Enrique Alciati. El monumento estaba listo para las festividades para conmemorar los primeros cien años de la Independencia de México en 1910. El acto de inauguración contó con la presencia del presidente Díaz y varios dignatarios extranjeros. El orador principal del evento fue poeta mexicano Salvador Díaz Mirón.
Una llama eterna (Lámpara Votiva) honrar a estos héroes se instaló en la base de la columna en el orden del Presidente Emilio Portes Gil en 1929.
El monumento sufrió algunos daños durante un terremoto el 28 de julio de 1957, cuando la escultura de la Victoria Alada cayó al suelo y se rompió en varios pedazos. Escultor José Fernández Urbina estaba a cargo de la restauración, que duró más de un año. El monumento fue reabierto el 16 de septiembre de 1958. Sobrevivió el devastador terremoto del 19 de septiembre de 1985 algunos daños en las escaleras y los relieves, pero ninguno con el Ángel.


En 1925 los restos de los siguientes Héroes de la Independencia de México fueron enterrados en un mausoleo en la base del monumento:
· Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla: Jefe instigador de la Revolución y el "Padre de la Patria".
· José María Morelos y Pavón: general, especializada y líder del movimiento de independencia después de la ejecución de Hidalgo.
· Ignacio Allende: el teniente general del ejército insurgente y líder rebelde más tarde.
· Juan Aldama: Un capitán rebelde y conspirador.
· José Mariano Jiménez: Hidalgo del teniente coronel.
· Guadalupe Victoria: Comandante del ejército insurgente y primer presidente de México.
· Vicente Guerrero: Insurgente general, tras la muerte de Morelos y el segundo Presidente de México.
· Nicolás Bravo: Comandante del Ejército Rebelde y más tarde Presidente de México en tres ocasiones.
· Mariano Matamoros: Un sacerdote que sirvió de Morelos teniente general.
· Andrés Quintana Roo: Un destacado constitucionalista.
· Leona Vicario: partidario activo del movimiento rebelde y esposa de Andrés Quintana Roo.
· Francisco Javier Mina (Xavier Mina): Un oficial español que se unió a la causa rebelde contra la monarquía absoluta de Fernando VII.
· Pedro Moreno: Insurgente
· Víctor Rosales: Insurgente
Más de 60 años después de que el mausoleo fue construido, el 16 de septiembre de 1998 se abrió definitivamente al público por PresidentErnesto Zedillo y Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal.
El 30 de mayo de 2010, como parte de las celebraciones del Bicentenario de la Guerra de la Independencia, los restos de los héroes nacionales wereexhumed y luego escoltado por las Fuerzas Armadas con todos los honores militares en el Museo Nacional de Historia en el Castillo de Chapultepec, donde van a ser objeto de los estudios realizados por los miembros del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Después de estos estudios, los restos serán expuestos temporalmente en el Palacio Nacional hasta agosto de 2011, cuando serán devueltos al mausoleo. 

Los visitantes pueden entrar en el monumento, ver las placas conmemorativas a nivel de base, y subir a la cima de la torre. La entrada es gratuita. Los visitantes se registran y entregan temporalmente su identificación con foto para una etiqueta de color en una cuerda de seguridad. Grupos de alrededor de 12 se dejan en el monumento durante unos 15 minutos. Hay más de 200 escaleras, y la subida es ardurous. Los primeros aproximadamente 15 escaleras, en la base, son amplia y cómoda. Las escaleras en la propia columna, aproximadamente 185, son circulares, metal, muy estrecha y sin un aterrizaje o punto de reposo hasta que uno llega a la cima. Los visitantes que no están en buena forma física se encuentra la subida agotadora, que es el equivalente a subir un edificio de 12 pisos de una sola vez, y los que no se siente cómodo con espacios reducidos debe evitar la subida ya que hay espacio suficiente para permitir que otros pasan por alto. Algunas áreas de la escalera son muy oscuras, y sólo hay unas pocas rendijas para dejar a la luz. El balcón superior, aunque estrecha, ofrece una imponente vista de las amplias avenidas que rodean la columna. El viaje de vuelta hacia abajo es a través de la misma escalera circular.
Más recientemente, El Ángel se ha convertido en el lugar de reunión tradicional de celebración entre los habitantes de la ciudad de México, en particular después de México de fútbol nacionales victorias del equipo y como punto focal para las reuniones políticas.

El Monumento a la Independencia, conocido popularmente y erróneamente como el Ángel es un monumento ubicado en la Ciudad de México, a todo alrededor se encuentra en la intersección de Paseo de la Reforma, Río Tíber y Florencia. Inaugurado en 1910, párr conmemorar el centenario de la independencia de México por el entonces presidente de México, Porfirio Díaz, es uno de los monumentos más importantes de la ciudad y se utiliza actualmente como un icono cultural de la Ciudad de México y lugar de celebraciones y eventos nacionales.

Descripción del Monumento

Inspirado en las columnas honorarias romanos como la Columna de Trajano, es muy similar a otros monumentos modernos, como el dedicado a la victoria o en la columna de la victoria de Berlín, Alemania.16
Altura es 90.16 m monumento más 1,5 m con las gradas construidas en 1910 y adicionales 3 m tienen las gradas construidas en 1986, por un total de 94,66 m que muestra la caída de la ciudad, este monumento es, a efectos prácticos orientados al este - oeste.

La Victoria de Samotracia

Por encima de todo hay una estatua de bronce hueco, que representa la Victoria Alada en actitud de vuelo, con las alas abiertas, con el brazo derecho extendido y sosteniendo una corona de laurel en la actitud de poner en la cabeza de los héroes, el brazo izquierdo extendido hacia abajo y hacia la celebración de en la mano una cadena rota de tres enlaces símbolo de los tres siglos del virreinato y política dependencia de España. Todo ello cubierto por la hoja de pan de oro. En esta estatua es que da específicamente el nombre popular de Ángel o el Ángel de la Independencia.


Bajo estas condiciones, se inicia la columna con 2,90 m de diámetro, cuyos lados son las guirnaldas de roble, unidos por anillos que rodean la columna vertebral y medallones florales, en dos de estos anillos tallados están tallados los nombres de los ocho héroes de la independencia en el lado sureste del Iturbide y Allende en el surponiente Mier y Terán y Galeana, al noroeste de Victoria y Rayón y alnororiente la Matamoros y Aldama, nacido Guirnaldas cuatro cabezas de león talladas en el anillo más baja, en esto, en el lado este, hay un bajorrelieve que representa fama que llevaba una trompeta. En la parte inferior de la columna son dos coronas: una que simula la piel de una serpiente y debajo de ella un laurel.


En el este del pedestal en la parte superior se encuentra una escultura llamada "Apoteosis del Padre de la Patria", compuesto por tres figuras, dos figuras simbólicas standing agitando una bandera mexicana sacerdote Miguel Hidalgo, al sur sentado con un libro y una pluma en la musa de historia, al norte, en una actitud de levantarse y ofrecer una corona de laurel Hidalgo es La Patria. El pedestal tiene una base cuadrada con cuatro estatuas de los extremos a un nivel ligeramente inferior a la de Hidalgo, José María Morelos, que corresponde a la del sureste, al de Francisco Xavier Mina surponiente, Nicolás Bravo y aVicente norponiente del Guerrero de la nororiente.16
Bajo estas condiciones, en los lados norte y sur del pedestal son dos rosetones, que permiten la entrada de luz al interior del monumento, a cada lado, se muestran dos haces Romano en bajo relieve, además de hojas de roble y laurel para representar la fuerza y ​​victoriarespectivamente. En la fachada este es un escudo fechas ornamentales proclamación y el logro de la independencia (1810 - 1821), en virtud del presente en una placa de mármol se lee:


En el lado este se encuentra una placa de mármol que se quedó sin escribir hasta 1986 y 2006, cuando grabó la historia del monumento:

Monumento a la Independencia
ABRE 16 de septiembre 1910
Restaurado en 1958 AND 1986
Noviembre 1986
Septiembre 2006

En este plato había grabado textos sobre el inicio y la consumación de la independencia, así como la dedicación a los constructores, pero el inicio de la revolución que evitar que eso suceda.
En el resto del primer cuerpo de este lado del pedestal es la escultura de un león masculino está encabezado por la figura de un genio (un niño), que simboliza la fuerza y ​​la inteligencia respectivamente. Todo el borde de esto, fue decorado por una matriz llamada escocia compuesto por cuchillas. En los extremos de este hay cuatro pedestales en los que hay cuatro figuras sentadas (sentado) que corresponden al sudeste de La Paz, a la Guerra de surponiente a delnorponiente Justicia y el Derecho del noreste.

Los nombres de los héroes en el pedestal

En estas cuatro estatuas en frente de sus bases son sus nombres y los nombres de veinticuatro lados caracteres independencia divididos en ocho categorías.

Bajo la estatua de la paz
Los precursores.

• Melchor de Talamantes.
• Francisco Primo de Verdad y Ramos.
• Marqués de San Juan de Rayas.

Los consumadores.

• Pedro Ascencio.
• José Joaquín de Herrera
• Miguel BarraganUnder la estatua de la guerra

Los señores de la guerra.

• Mariano Jiménez.
• Leonardo Bravo.
• Pedro Moreno.

Las guerrillas.

• Encarnación Ortiz "El Pachón".
• Victor Rosales.
• José Antonio Torres.

En virtud de la justicia escultura

• Servando Teresa de Mier Noriega y Guerra.
• Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi.
• Carlos Bustamante.


• José María Cos
• José María Liceaga.
• Andrés Quintana Roo.

Bajo la estatua de la ley
Las Heroínas.

• Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez.
• Leona Vicario Fernández de San Salvador.
• Mariana Rodríguez del Toro Lazarín.

Los conspiradores.

• José Mariano de Michelena.
• Epigmenio González.
• Antonio Ferrer.

Bueno eso es todo, espero que hayan disfrutado de este documental Berve sobre el Auditorio Nacional, la reforma y el Paseo del Ángel de la Independencia.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013


Paseo de la Reforma is one of the most important avenues of Mexico City and throughout Mexico. Its origin dates back to the Second Mexican Empire, when Emperor Maximilian ordered to draw a residence avenue to connect Chapultepec Castle to the National Palace, the government center of the Empire. The new boulevard was named Empress Walk, in honor of the wife of Maximilian, Carlota. The project layout and construction of this road was commissioned by Austrian-born engineer Ferdinand von Rosenzweig. After the Restoration of the Republic Maximilian's execution and fall of the monarchy, the avenue would be renamed the currently leading.The layout and design of this ride would be based on the French boulevards, giving it large trees, medians and roundabouts. The Paseo de la Emperatriz intended as a symbol of modernity of the Empire, and while the imperial project was interrupted in the late nineteenth century, the image of modernity reached its climax, after the construction of great palaces and mansions of the families wealthiest and most distinguished of the Porfiriato.After the Mexican Revolution, much of the old French style building palaces were torn down to make way for numerous buildings of traditional architecture of the 60's and 80's as well as some skyscrapers built along the avenue. Some of these buildings are the headquarters of important national and foreign companies. The Paseo de la Reforma carries some of the most symbolic monuments and important buildings of the City Hotels.com guest.


The Paseo de la Reforma as currently known, diagonally crosses the west of Mexico City. To be more exact, his first stroke originated from Caballito roundabout (now crossing the Paseo de la Reforma and Avenida Bucareli) to the Castle of Chapultepec, which corresponds to the original design.Its construction was ordered by Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico, during the Second Mexican Empire. Maximilian had found a great passion in building, feature evident in his interest in the construction of Miramare Castle in Trieste, before his accession to the throne of Mexico. The Emperor's intention was to give Mexico City a new image, modern and in line with the trends of the nineteenth century European aesthetic, which he so admired. Carlos Fuentes mentions in his novel entitled The Most Transparent Region that this ride was designed drawing on the Avenue Louise in Brussels, not in Champs Élysées, alluding to the birthplace of the Empress. [1]At the end of s. Century, the Paseo de la Reforma, as it was now called, was the result of various works and redesign efforts by Republican governments, particularly that of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, and during the Porfiriato, making it one of the symbols of stronger progress of the country, it would be presumptuous to international delegation of the lavish celebrations of the Centenary of Independence in 1910.During the first half of the twentieth century, construction began on the section that extend to the area known as Las Lomas de Chapultepec, which goes from Chapultepec Park to its junction with Avenue Constituency, at the height of the colony known Reform and Forests. This in order to connect to emerging and modern colonies west of the city with the center of it.The last section to be built for his extension to the east of the city, was performed with the aim of connecting the boulevard from the Glorieta del Caballito up the Avenue of the Mysteries, performing such work during the decade of the 60's of the twentieth century, more accurate during the mandate Uruchurtu Ernesto Peralta, who was then head of the Federal District.Since early 2001, under the mandate of the Head of Government of Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the renovation begins with the change boulevard and street furniture maintenance, reforestation and renewal of medians and roundabouts, as well as cleaning building facades before the first half of the s. XX. Started on September 22, 2009 the construction of the Monument to the Stele of Light and completed until December 31, 2011 and inaugurated until January 7, 2012.HistoryBackgroundBy the late eighteenth century, the inhabitants of Mexico City used to take walks in the Bosque de Chapultepec, considered the lungs of Mexico City. For that reason, it used to take two possible routes: going from the source of Salto del Agua (now crossing Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas and Izazaga) to the springs of the forest at the foot of the hill and the castle, or the route ranged from Tacuba Street, in the center of the city to the aqueduct Tlaxpana (back of Fine Arts), from there to San Cosme Garita west bound in the same direction from which came the late River Consulate. Into the nineteenth century, when installed Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico at Chapultepec Castle fortress, it became evident the lack of a way to communicate directly with the City of Mexico, particularly the Imperial Palace, and would reduce traveling time from one place to another. For the above reasons, it is considered among the development plans of the city creating an avenue to communicate directly to the Imperial residence with the center of the capital.

Your home: design and layoutTo carry out such an undertaking, Maximilian I charge the design and construction of the project "Empress Walk" by Austrian engineer Ferdinand von Rosenzweig. Maximiliano thereby sought to imitate the style and magnificence of the European capitals, and the new venue would certainly be a symbol match or exceed seeking to modern Parisian boulevards proudest of any European capital. The redevelopment projects of the Emperor were not limited to the construction of this road, but due to the early termination of his government (and subsequent execution), the Paseo de la Emperatriz was of the few works that saw its glory, along with the refurbishment and redecoration Chapultepec Castle and the National Palace, former Imperial Palace.The original design envisaged the creation of a wide boulevard booted from the Glorieta del Caballito (now crossing Paseo de la Reforma and Bucareli) to the entrance to the Forest and Castillo de Chapultepec. Projected dimensions for this avenue would be 19 meters wide, with groves and meadows about 9 meters wide on each side of it. It was also thought of placing cast iron benches placed at certain points of the ridges and the creation of a gazebo located in the middle of the boulevard, which would place a monument to Christopher Columbus. With the fall of the Empire, the project was only in the line of the avenue and the central ridge being redesigned numerous times, and finalized only after a century of its original projection.

The walk DegolladoWith the defeat of the Empire and the Restoration of the Republic, the works were suspended, canceled projects and redevelopment of the city. Similarly, the government of Benito Juárez García witnessed two important events in the history of the avenue: the first was the change of name to "Paseo Degollado" in 1867, and the second was the abolition of the exclusive nature of the road in 1872, originally as its use was restricted to those whose dress and image were in keeping with the image of the avenue.Only after the death of Juarez, during the presidential term of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, was that really works resumed ride design and development, building a long embankment and bridge La Teja, 8 meters wide (on a trench), which allowed the transit smoothly all the way to the track. Furthermore, the central road widened and given shape to the side walkers, new planted tree rows were added quarry benches and pedestals designed to hold statues of Greek mythology, and four others were drawn Bowers 110 m diameter each, located between the Equestrian Statue of Charles III and designed by Bolland gazebo, which was 120 m in diameter. It was at this time that, by a decree in 1872, is given the name that holds the date, the "Paseo de la Reforma", serving as a clear manifestation that name policy new national project, based on the Constitution of 1857 Reform Laws drafted liberal ideology during the presidencies of Ignacio Comonfort and Benito Juarez.

Design Porfirian

The is perhaps one of the most active stages of construction and beautification of the Paseo de la Reforma, occurred during the long period of rule of General Porfirio Diaz, period known as the Porfiriato. The second stage of the Diaz was characterized, in part, by his desire for modernization, and thus surrounded himself with a group called Scientists, who intended to improve the country's image, mimicking and moving all things French (maximum benchmark modernity of the time) to Mexico. General Diaz and Scientists are on the Paseo de la Reforma one of the best opportunities to realize their ideal of modernity, and therefore the avenue chosen as the most popular in the construction of monuments, corporate headquarters, banks, and decide to give it Berlin imported lanterns, French-style statues, and numerous decorative elements that were observed throughout the ride.It is in 1877 when it opened the roundabout near the monument of the Equestrian Statue of S. M. King Don Carlos IV, popularly known as El Caballito, with the Monument to Christopher Columbus (who had been located in the central gazebo).Along the avenue, quarry placed on pedestals were built seventy-seven bronze statues dedicated to famous people of the Liberal Party, which had played an important role in the creation or imposition of the Reform Laws. The idea of ​​these statues was given to General Diaz by Francisco Sosa, academic and journalist for the Liberal Party, to replace the 1878 idea of ​​placing statues of Greek mythology bronze vases alternating with (designed by Gabriel Guerra), the which are still preserved today. The agreement with President Diaz proposed that each of the eighteen states, which at the time formed the Federation, proposed two characters who participated in the liberal movement, the result was a true memorial of the victory of republican liberalism in Mexico, of absolute representation of men (none of the statues depicting a woman), which had been devised as the Paseo de la Emperatriz.In 1878 he continued with the construction of the quarry benches.In 1877 began the construction of the second large roundabout that served as shelter to the sculpture of the last Aztec emperor, Cuauhtémoc, same which opened 10 years later, on August 21, 1897. In the 40s, the urbanized area in proximity to the monument is called Colonia Cuauhtemoc, referring to him.The only design Empress Walk, had enormous consequences for the subsequent distribution of the city. Around the new avenue, began to form numerous commercial and residential areas, which had its peak in the Porfiriato, with the expansion of the city to the west, rising colonies sumptuous La Condesa, Hippodrome-Condesa and Colonia Rome and the Colony Architects (now San Rafael), Paseo Nuevo, Tobacco, Cuauhtemoc and Juarez, all originally symbols of splendor and aristocratic character of the Porfiriato. In the land that gave to the Paseo were loud and sumptuous palaces and mansions, of which very few remain today. In one of the most exclusive areas of the Paseo, settled the prestigious University Club, founded in 1905 in the old family mansion Gargollo Rivas-market by a small group of successful industrial and lawyers who had the rare privilege of having a college degree .To commemorate the centenary of the Independence of Mexico in 1910, was placed in the fourth roundabout, the Independence Monument, popularly known as The Angel, built, among others, by famed Mexican architect Antonio Rivas Mercado. The first stone was laid on January 2, 1902 and was inaugurated by Porfirio Diaz in an official ceremony on September 16, 1910 as part of the lavish celebrations of the Centennial of Mexican Independence.

Twentieth Century

After the Mexican Revolution, late 1920s work began Avenue extension to the area west of the capital, where the springs were located subdivisions of Las Lomas de Chapultepec, Chapultepec Heights originally called (name of company construction started), and then to the junction with the road from Toluca.Between 1948 and 1949 he made a disastrous general remodeling Avenue by Central Department (Government of the Federal District), headed by Fernando Casas Aleman, who went so far as to plant cactus, prickly pear and jasmine in the central median of the once Empress Walk aristocratic.In 1957 the Regent Ernesto P. Uruchurtu began work on stretch of Paseo de la Reforma from El Caballito roundabout to its junction with the Avenue of the Mysteries with a distance of 2.6 km, which was completed in 1964. The extension was for purely practical and is currently considered one of the most unforgivable atrocities urbanization policy PRI. To carry out the works were demolished countless old buildings, some dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and many are close to the area of ​​the Alameda Central (former colonial society walk) and the Guerrero and Tlatelolco colonies, highlighting the sad demolition of the old and majestic seat of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs built by President Porfirio Diaz. These demolitions and works, were part of the "Proyectazo" which aims to convert Mexico City in a mega city pavement and skyscrapers, ideal party regime of the Revolution, stripping the city of its beauty immemorial.Within this expansion created four new roundabouts: the Violet, where he placed the monument to Simon Bolivar (1976), the Santa Maria la Redonda, where he placed the monument to José de San Martín (1973), the Nonoalco , where the monument to Cuitláhuac and Peralvillo. Also reformed Bucareli roundabout and the west side at the intersection of Avenida Hidalgo created the Plaza de la Reforma, designed by the architect Julio de la Peña, where he placed the statue of Francisco Zarco, and then another eight statues of heroes Reformation (Jesus Teran, Jose Maria Luis Mora, Juan N. Álvarez, Ángel Albino Corzo, Guillermo Prieto, Gabino Barreda, Mariano Escobedo and Ustaquio Buelna).The song "Chava" Flowers, "came the Reformation," was written with reference to the arrival of the most popular colonies avenue north compared to those located in the western part of a more exclusive.

XXI Century

At the beginning of XXI century, during the rule of former Head of Government of Mexico City Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (2000-2005), the avenue was remodeled, sidewalks and planters changing both the lateral and central, the stretch of Avenida Hidalgo Chapultepec and changing the pavement of the central lanes of asphalt cement concrete on the stretch of Insurgentes Avenue to Avenida Hidalgo and repaving the side rails. During these works, moved and restored the monument to Cuauhtémoc. Besides cleaning facades of buildings that were built in the mid-twentieth century, to cite one example is the Tower Anahuac, building constructed in the 1940s, its facade was completely modernized.In 2003, we completed the construction of the huge Torre Mayor, at the time the tallest building in Latin America, today is the first in Mexico and the third in Latin America.


Today these companies provide transportation service in the Paseo de la Reforma:Corridor Villa Lomas SA (COVILSA)20C Corridor Bicentennial ReformTerminals being:Known as km 13Known as km 14 (Both terminals are on the Carretera Mexico - Toluca)Station AuditoriumHidalgo StationThe Villa / FerroplazaIndios Verdes StationGaribaldi Station (Connection with Zero Emissions Corridor)PlinthChapultepec StationThese two companies provide the service today at a price of 5.50 pesos for the service plus and 6 pesos for executive service.Likewise, the public company RTP also serves the routes:76 and 76A Santa Fe - La VillaCharging a fee of 2 pesos for common service and 4 pesos to use the express service which has stops far apartThe roads leading to the State of Mexico can be considered feeder this corridor, some already circulating alternative streets to meet the mandate to begin circulating buses only with certain characteristics, some buses Route 2 prepares to meet his branch of Satellite- Golden Valley to cover the route as it has always done for Reform and Peripheral.It should mention that this was the first project of Transport Road Corridors in the City of Mexico.

On these roundabouts are the main monuments that make flourish the Paseo de la Reforma ', from Glorieta del Caballito up of Diana the Huntress, are cited below.Columbus Monument GazeboIn this lies the first monument placed in the walk. Dedicated to the discoverer of the New World, Christopher Columbus. It was designed by French sculptor Henri Cordier in Paris and donated to the City of Mexico by Antonio Escandon. It opened in 1883. Represents the navigator pointing to the horizon, under their feet and the sides of the pedestal are the statues of Fray Pedro de Ghent, Bartolome de las Casas, Fray Juan Perez de Marchena and Fray Diego de Deza.

Glorieta Cuauhtemoc Monument

Designed and initiated by the engineer Francis M. Miguel Jimenez and continued by Noren after the death of the first. Was placed at the intersection with Avenida de los Insurgentes, is perhaps the most nationalist monument walk, represents the last tlatoani Mexica Cuauhtemoc, wielding a spear and gala attire. On the sides of the pedestal decorated with pre-Hispanic motifs, are located reliefs with scenes of torture Cuauhtemoc conducted by Gabriel Guerra and each side of the monument the name of the last tlatoani.In 2005 the monument was moved from its original position some yards on Paseo de la Reforma and was renovated as part of the redevelopment of the avenue and the implementation of Metrobus on Insurgentes Avenue.


Designed under the design of architect Antonio Rivas Mercado, along with Gonzalo Garita and Manuel Gorozpe during the regime of Porfirio Diaz who was commissioned and opened in an official ceremony for the centennial of the Independence of Mexico. The sculptures were made by Henry Alciati. It is the official symbol of the City of Mexico and perhaps the most beautiful of all the monuments that adorn the Paseo de la Reforma. Winged Victory (Angel) that supports the column, was restored after his fall by the earthquake in the year 1957. Is reference point and meeting place throughout the ride, so, for the crowds, is protected by fences and security features to prevent damage and deterioration. We found the crossing of the Tiber River Florence avenues.

Source Glorieta Diana the Huntress

It was inaugurated in 1942 by President Manuel Avila Camacho, the design of the source is Vicente Mendiola Quezada and sculpture of Juan Fernando Olaguíbel. The model who posed for the artist was Dona Helvia Verdeyes Martinez, now wife of the former director of Pemex Jorge Diaz Serrano. The name you gave the monument was that of "Flechadora of the North Star," but popularly known as the "Diana the Huntress". Since its inauguration was scandalous by their nakedness, so it came to be covered with a bronze skirt, causing deterioration and to melt a new sculpture, sending the original state of Hidalgo. In 1974 the monument was moved to one side of the junction with the Inside Track, returning to the Paseo de la Reforma in the year 1992.

Monument to the Source of Petroleum

This fountain commemorates the Mexican Petroleum Oil Expropriation of 1938 and was built in 1952 during the government of President Miguel Alemán Valdés and locates in the Paseo de la Reforma. Like the sculpture of Diana the Huntress, on the Paseo de la Reforma, the author of the sculpture of this source was Juan Fernando Olaguíbel Rosenzweig. The distributor road to be built surrounding the source has a very original design and unusual, at the time the Head of the Federal District, Ernesto P. Uruchurtu, noted that he had chosen in order to maintain the visibility of the source and not distorting the wooded landscape of Chapultepec Park. On the contrary of that shown in the photo, now the source is surrounded by beautiful gardens and colorful floral sets. The set is 55 m. in diameter and 18 m. high, and construction required eighteen tons of bronze. It was designed in 1950 and opened in 1952.

Monument Estela de Luz

Project is the controversial winner of the open call by the Federal Government of Mexico to create a memorial as part of the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence. This work would be a city landmark and architectural. It was inaugurated on January 7, 2012 accompanied by a sound and light show, emblematic of modern Mexico commemoration space on Paseo de la Reforma to cap the original alignment of the avenue (1864). The opening of the memorial is planned for September 15, 2010 in Mexico City. However, for different reasons the work was not completed until the end of December 2011. The monument was finally inaugurated on January 7, 2012 by the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, after 15 months of delay, which also generated much controversy. The next day he raised public protests at the site, the Internet and mass media because people think that its cost-which was much higher than originally envisaged-not for the end result and most dislikes work itself.

Unrealized Works and missing

There was a project in the mid-twentieth century 80 aimed roundabout disappear "angel" in the Paseo de la Reforma where the famous Independence Monument which was to turn it into an overpass, would proceed digging beneath "the angel" a tunnel, to supposedly free traffic. The project was never completed and was until 2005 that they began to repair and replace a number of the piles supporting the monument, as it had been removed about four to excavate the tunnel.Like the city in which it is located, which is constantly changing, the Paseo de la Reforma has run with the luck to see the creation and destruction of monuments, sites and places that shaped an era and left a mark on history City, among which we can mention the following:Before the Fountain of Diana the Huntress was placed in its current location, was another source, which is known by the name of "the showers" (Source of Spring). This was retired in 1992.Columbus Coffee, located in the small block where now stands the Ambassador Hotel & Suites. The building stood the famous cafe was destroyed during the 1985 earthquake.

The Paseo de la Reforma begins at the intersection of Avenue of the Mysteries or the Mysteries Calzada and Calzada de Guadalupe, point known as the Square of Peralvillo.The first avenue that crosses North Axis 2 is known as North Channel or Eulalia Guzman.One of the interesting points on the Paseo de la Reforma is Tlatelolco which was heavily damaged during the 1985 Mexico earthquake and who was present tenor Placido Domingo to rescue family members and survivors tenor.On the avenue is the Urban Group Nonoalco Tlatelolco as about 300 m from the Plaza of Three Cultures, former College of San Buenaventura and San Juan Capistrano.The Roundabout Cuitláhuac.At 300 meters from the Paseo de la Reforma on Nonoalco is the building that housed the former offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mexico).On one side of Paseo de la Reforma is the oldest colonial city (Tepito).Garibaldi Metro Station.The Glorieta de Simon Bolivar.For an overpass, just below Garibaldi station and the Glorieta de Simon Bolivar is located another important avenue is the Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas.Offices attached to the Attorney General of the Republic such as the SEIDO against drug trafficking and the offices of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.The Square of General Jose de San Martin.Hidalgo Metro Station.At this point makes junction with Station North Metrobus route Hidalgo.The Church of St. Hippolytus is which honors St. Jude, patron of lost causes.A couple of blocks from the Alameda Central, the Pinacoteca Viceregal Solidarity Square.Prism Tower Building El Moro front, with offices SAT.The Building The Moro National Lottery headquarters in Mexico.The Torre del Caballito where the offices of senators and the Monumento a la Revolución Mexicana (5 blocks from Reforma is the Monument of the Revolution in the basement houses the Museum of the Mexican Revolution).Building Back The Moro is 200 m headquarters of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers.At this point makes junction with Metrobus station Glorieta de Colón southern route.It houses the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City.Contigo Tower, formerly called Building Reform Anahuac front of Building 90.Reform Building 90 which is opposite the monument to Christopher Columbus.The monument to Christopher Columbus.In the Square of the Monument to Christopher Columbus found the Fiesta Americana Hotels, Mission and Embassy Suites Columbus Reform.Offices attached to the Interior Ministry.The offices of the National Fund for the Promotion of Crafts (FONART).In the corner of the street of Paris, with offices corner FONART new offices will be located in Mexico Senate and crossing the same street is the building that was the Hotel Reforma, one of the most emblematic of its time.The park and monument to Louis Pasteur Scientific recently remodeled and formerly known as the National Railroad Square is opposite the monument to Cuauhtémoc and exactly at the intersection of Insurgentes Avenue and Paseo de la Reforma.The monument to Cuauhtémoc which was recently restored, and shifted 50 m north to facilitate the operation of Metrobus.At this point intersects the Insurgentes AvenueOne block is located Reform Metrobus station.The Monument to the Mother and the Garden of Art, where artists who sell their work and installed every Sunday.The headquarters of the National Council for Culture and the Arts.Banking and Commercial School, the first business school in the country.The three buildings of 222 Reforma, Reforma 222 Tower 2 and Tower 1 Reforma 222.The Attorney General's Office.Reform Building 243 (currently under construction).